February 6, 2011
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sunday after the Presentation of our Lord
II Corinthians 6:16-7:1: St Paul reminds us that as God has promised to dwell with us, we are to be holy, cleansing ourselves from ungodliness.
Matthew 15:21-28: In the passage from Matthew we see our Lord demonstrate His mercy by healing the daughter of a Canaanite woman.
Troparion of the Resurrection: Having learned the joyful message of the Resurrection from the angel, the women Disciples cast from them their parental condemnation, and proudly broke the news to the Disciples, saying, Death has been spoiled. Christ God is risen, granting the world Great Mercy.
Troparion of the Presentation: Rejoice, O Virgin Theotokos, full of grace; for from thee arose the Sun of justice, Christ our God, lighting those who are in darkness. Rejoice and be glad, O righteous old man, carrying in thine arms the Deliverer of our souls, who granteth us resurrection
Troparion of the Chains of St. Peter: O Holy Apostle, Peter, thou dost preside over the Apostles by the precious chains which thou didst bear. We venerate them with faith and beseech thee that by thine intercessions we be granted the great mercy.
Kontakion of the Presentation: Thou, O Christ God, who by your Birth, didst sanctify the Virgin's womb, and as is meet, didst bless Simeon's arms, and didst also come to save us, preserve thy fold in wars, and confirm them whom thou didst love; for thou alone art the Lover of mankind.
Sunday, February 6 (Sunday after the Presentation)
8:50 a.m. -- Orthros
9:00 a.m. -- Christian Education
10:00 a.m. -- Divine Liturgy
5:30 p.m. -- Youth Group
Monday, February 7
Office Closed -- Father John's Day Off
Tuesday, February 8
6:00 a.m. -- Daily Orthros
6:00 p.m. -- Orthros followed by the Divine Liturgy
Wednesday, February 9
5:00 p.m. -- Catechism Class
6:30 p.m. -- Daily Vespers
7:30 p.m. -- Choir Practice
Thursday, February 10 (Hieromartyr Haralampos)
6:00 a.m. -- Daily Orthros
11:30 a.m. -- Men's Luncheon
Friday, February 11 (Blaise, Bishop of Sebaste)
6:00 a.m. -- Daily Orthros
Deanery Youth Retreat begins
Saturday, February 12
5:00 p.m. -- Catechism Class
5:45 p.m. -- Ninth Hour Prayers followed by Great Vespers
Sunday, February 13 (Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee)
8:50 a.m. -- Orthros
9:00 a.m. -- Christian Education
10:00 a.m. -- Divine Liturgy
1:00 p.m. -- Young Adults
Eucharist Bread …was offered by the Woods for the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord this past Tuesday evening and by the Dc. Richard Roots for the Divine Liturgy today.
Please remember to keep Fr. Leo, Kh. Be'Be', Stephen and Amy, Justyn and Jeffrey in your prayers.
Please remember the following in your prayers: Joanna Meadows, Mary Jeanne Turner, David and Lou Turner; Sandra Strain, Warren, Tiffany and Brandon; Mrs. Gouras, Ken, Anastasia and their family; the Longa and Dn. Sidney Elliott families from St. John's in Memphis; Sh. Charlotte Algood, Dn. Terry and their family; Fr. James and Kh. Linda Ellison; Bobby Webb (Deborah Finley's father); Tom Skirtech, Amy and Brantley Oliver; Reader Basil's family; Aidan Milnor, the Milnor family; Jared and Stacy Autrey and their daughter Olivia Kate (St. Ignatius in Franklin).
Please continue to pray for the health of His Grace, bishop ANTOUN.
Please be very careful with the Blessed Bread when you take it after communion. Because this bread has been blessed, we should take care not to let crumbs fall on the floor. Parents, especially, please help your children to choose a small piece and treat it carefully.
Eucharist Bread and Coffee Hour Schedule:
Eucharist Bread Coffee Hour
February 6 R. Roots POT LUCK MEAL
Set-up: Strains/N. Dabits
February 13 Hendersons Jones/Stewarts
February 20 Algoods Morrises
February 26 (Sat. a.m.) Katools
February 27 Schelvers R. Roots
Schedule for Epistle Readers – Page numbers refer to the Apostolos (book of the Epistles) located on the front pew. Please be sure to use this book when you read.
Reader Reading Page#
February 6 Walt Wood II Cor. 6:16-18; 7:1 173
February 13 Warren Strain II Tim. 3:10-15 258
February 20 Kh. Sharon Meadows I Cor. 6:12-20 265
February 26 (Sat am) Kh. Sharon Meadows I Cor. 10:23-28 271
February 27 Mildred Morris I Cor. 8:8-13; 9:1-2 273
If you are the last to leave the building, please make sure that the heating and cooling unit in the Fellowship Hall is set to the optimum temperature for the building when unoccupied.
Calendar Items:
· The Men of the parish have begun meeting for lunch and fellowship on the first Thursday of the month.
· The Lower MS Valley Deanery will hold its annual Youth Retreat the weekend of February 11-13 at Roosevelt State Park in Morton. Fr. John Parker of Holy Ascension Orthodox Church in Charleston, SC will be speaking on the topic "The Storms of Life: Can God Save Me?" Information of registration, etc. will be available at a later date.
· The day before Meatfare Sunday is designated as Saturday of the Souls. This year it will fall on Saturday, February 26th. We will celebrate Orthros followed by the Divine Liturgy, beginning at 9:00 a.m. that morning.
· The Youth Group will hold its annual Cheesefare Fund-raising Luncheon on Sunday, March 6th following the Divine Liturgy. They will be raising money to cover their expenses for the upcoming Parish Life Conference in June. Please plan to stay and enjoy the fellowship.
· The Youth Group will also be having a Garage Sale on Saturday morning, April 2nd. More information (concerning when and where to bring items) will be available later.
House Blessings! A sign-up sheet is available in the Foyer to sign up for your house blessing. Please schedule these as soon as possible. Everyone should have their house blessed. However, the responsibility for scheduling lies with individuals and not Father John. No house blessings will be done once Great Lent starts (March 7th this year).
Pledge Letters for 2011 have been mailed. Please return yours as soon as possible, either by mail in the enclosed envelope, or by placing your pledge slip in the Tithes box at the back of the nave.
Fasting Discipline for February
The traditional fasting (no meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, wine and oil) is observed on Wednesdays and Fridays of the month. However, there is no fasting during the week following the Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee (February 13th). Following Meatfare Sunday (February 27th) meat will not be eaten again until Pascha.
Major Commemorations during February
February 10 Hieromartyr Haralampos
February 11 Blaise, Bishop of Sebaste
February 13 Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee
February 20 Sunday of the Prodigal Son
February 24 The Forerunner (1st and 2nd Discoveries)
February 26 Saturday of the Souls
February 27 Meatfare Sunday
Happy Birthdays in February:
February 4 -- Chris Carlton
February 11 -- Cassie Freundt (#18!)
-- Zoe Freundt (#18!)
February 15 -- Mary Guy Lockhart
February 22 -- Kh. Sharon Meadows
February 24 -- Nimr Fahmy
February 28 -- Cole Parker (#6!)
Happy Anniversaries in February:
February 7 --- Ben and Meghan Brock (#2!)
February 18 -- David and Lou Turner (#5!)
February 21 -- Michael and Amy Surratt (#13!)
February 25 -- Daniel and Elizabeth Root (#5!)
Quotable: "The soul that loves the Lord cannot help praying, for she is drawn to Him by the grace she has come to know in prayer."
Saint Silouan
Worship: Sunday, February 13, 2011 (Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee)
Scripture: II Timothy 3:10-15; Luke 18:10-14
Celebrant: Father John
Epistle Reader: Warren Strain
Prosphora: Hendersons
Coffee Hour: Joneses/Stewarts