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Announcements for Sunday, September 12, 2010
Announcements for Sunday, September 5, 2010
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Announcements for Sunday, August 15, 2010
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Announcements for Sunday, July 11, 2010
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Saint Peter Antiochian Orthodox Church
Madison, Mississippi
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Announcements for Sunday, October 10, 2010


October 10, 2010

Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost



Galatians 1:11-19:  St. Paul defends his ministry in his letter to the Galatians, telling them of how his former way of life was changed by a direct revelation from the Lord, and of his actions immediately afterwards.


Luke 7:11-16:  In the reading from the Gospel of St Luke we see the Lord Jesus raise a woman's son from death.


Troparion of the Resurrection:  Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad; for the Lord hath done a mighty act with his own arm.  He hath trampled down death and become the First-born from the dead. He hath delivered us from the depths of hades, granting the world the Great Mercy.


Troparion for the Martyrs:  Thy Martyrs, O Lord, by their struggles have received from thee, our God, imperishable crowns; because acquiring thy strength, they demolished usurpers and crushed the powerless might of Satan.  Therefore, through their intercessions, O Christ God, save our souls.


Troparion of the Chains of St. Peter: O Holy Apostle, Peter, thou dost preside over the Apostles by the precious chains which thou didst bear.  We venerate them with faith and beseech thee that by thine intercessions we be granted the great mercy.


Kontakion for Usual Sundays:  O undisputed intercessor of Christians, O mediatrix, who is unrejected by the Creator, turn not away from the voice of our petitions though we be sinners; come to us in time, who cry to thee in faith, for thou art good.  Hasten to us with intercessions, O Theotokos, who didst ever intercede for those who honor thee.





Sunday, October 10   (Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost)

            8:50 a.m.         -- Orthros

            9:00 a.m.         -- Christian Education

            10:00 a.m.       -- Divine Liturgy

5:30 p.m.         -- Young Adults


Monday, October 11

            Office Closed  -- Father John's Day Off


Tuesday, October 12  

            6:00 a.m.         -- Daily Orthros


Wednesday, October 13  

            5:00 p.m.         -- Catechism Class

            6:30 p.m.         -- Daily Vespers

            7:30 p.m.         -- Choir Practice


Thursday, October 14   

            6:00 a.m.         -- Daily Orthros


Friday, October 15  

            6:00 a.m.         -- Daily Orthros


Saturday, October 16   

            8:30 a.m.         -- Workday at the Church (breakfast provided)

5:00 p.m.         -- Catechism Class

            5:45 p.m.         -- Ninth Hour Prayers followed by Great Vespers


Sunday, October 17   (Holy Fathers of the Seventh Ecumenical Council)

            8:50 a.m.         -- Orthros

            9:00 a.m.         -- Christian Education

            10:00 a.m.       -- Divine Liturgy

5:30 p.m.         -- Youth Group





Eucharist Bread …was offered by Joanna Meadows for the Divine Liturgy today.


Please be very careful with the Blessed Bread when you take it after communion.  Because this bread has been blessed, we should take care not to let crumbs fall on the floor.  Parents, especially, please help your children to choose a small piece and treat it carefully.


Eucharist Bread and Coffee Hour Schedule:

                                                      Eucharist Bread                     Coffee Hour

         October 10                            Joanna Meadows                     Algoods

         October 17                            D. Roots                                  Hendersons

         October 24                            Dansereaus                              Freundts

         October 31                            Freundts                                   Schelvers  


Schedule for Epistle Readers – Page numbers refer to the Apostolos (book of the Epistles) located on the front pew.  Please be sure to use this book when you read.

                                    Reader                               Reading                               Page#

October 10                  Tom Willingham                  Gal. 1:11-19                            188

October 17                  Tom Skirtech                       Titus 3:8-15                            322

October 24                  Walt Wood                         Gal. 6:11-18                            198

October 31                  Sh. Charlotte Algood           Eph. 2:4-10                             202


Please remember the following in your prayers:  The Longa and Dn. Sidney Elliott families from St. John's in Memphis; Fr. Donald Lloyd; Sh. Charlotte Algood, Dn. Terry and their family; Fr. James and Kh. Linda Ellison; Bobby and Sue Webb (Deborah Finley's parents); Tom Skirtech, Amy and Brantley Oliver; Reader Basil's family; Aidan Milnor, the Milnor family; Jared and Stacy Autrey and their daughter Olivia Kate  (St. Ignatius in Franklin).


Please continue to pray for the health of His Grace, bishop ANTOUN.        


Calendar Items:

·         The Men of the parish have begun meeting for lunch and fellowship on the first Thursday of the month.

·         There will be a workday at the church NEXT Saturday, October 16th beginning at 8:30 a.m. with a light breakfast.  Come for the fellowship and help "spruce up" our facility.

·         We will be holding a Fall Festival here at the church on the afternoon of Saturday, October 23rd.  The Teens will be taking care of the planning for this. 

·         Denis Lavric and Tatiana Didic's wedding will be held Sunday, October 31st, beginning at 11:00 a.m.  (See notice elsewhere in these announcements.)

·         The Mississippi Valley Deanery will be holding a Clergy Retreat October 25-27th.

·         Our next time to serve a meal at the Stewpot will be on Saturday, October 30th.


Denis and Tatiana's Wedding!!  Denis Lavric and Tatiana Didic will be married on Sunday, October 31st at 11:00 a.m.  Please take note that we will not be having Orthros or Christian Education that Sunday morning.  Instead we will begin the Divine Liturgy at 9:00 a.m.  Following the Divine Liturgy, there will be a brief break then the wedding and a reception immediately afterward.  The entire church is invited to stay and help Denis and Tatiana celebrate this wonderful event!


Fasting Discipline for October

The traditional fasting (no meat, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy, wine and oil) is observed on all Wednesdays and Fridays of the month.


Major Commemorations During October

         October 18       Apostle Luke the Evangelist

         October 23       Apostle James, Brother-of-the-Lord

         October 26       Great-martyr Demetrios


If you are the last to leave the building, please make sure that the heating and cooling unit in the Fellowship Hall is set to the optimum temperature for the building when unoccupied.


Quotable:  "The being of God is a relational being: without the concept of communion it would not be possible to speak of the being of God.  Communion does not exist by itself:  it is the Father who is the cause of it."

                                                            John D. Zizioulas, Being as Communion



Worship:         Sunday, October 17, 2010 (Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost)


         Scripture:                             Titus 3:8-15; Luke 7:11-16

         Celebrant:                            Father John

         Epistle Reader:                     Tom Skirtech

         Prosphora:                           D. Roots

         Coffee Hour:                        Hendersons



posted by Daniel Root at 2:59 PM Parish Life

(c) 2005 ~ Saint Peter Antiochian Orthodox Church ~ Madison, MS ~ 601.856.3894