Parish Life

Welcome to the Parish Life section of Saint Peter Orthodox Church website. This is where we post news, events, photographs and more.

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Announcements for Sunday, July 5th, 2009
PLC 2009 Pictures
Announcements for Sunday, June 7, 2009
Announcements for Sunday, May 24, 2009
Announcements for Sunday, April 19, 2008
Welcome Ben!
Announcements for Sunday, April 12, 2009
Announcements for Sunday, April 4, 2009
Announcements for Sunday, March 29, 2009
Announcements for Sunday, March 22, 2009
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Saint Peter Antiochian Orthodox Church
Madison, Mississippi
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Announcements for Sunday, July 12, 2009
July 12, 2009
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Romans 10:1-10:  St Paul, writing to the Romans, contrasts the righteousness of the law with the righteousness of faith and goes on to say that if we confess with our mouth and believe in our hearts that Jesus is Lord, then we shall be saved.
Matthew 8:28-34; 9:1:  In the gospel reading we see the authority of Jesus over the demons, who know   that they have been defeated even before the appointed time of His resurrection and later His second advent.
Troparion of the Resurrection:  Having learned the joyful message of the Resurrection from the angel, the women Disciples cast from them their parental condemnation, and proudly broke the news to the Disciples, saying, Death has been spoiled.  Christ God is risen, granting the world Great Mercy.
Troparion of the Chains of St. Peter: O Holy Apostle, Peter, thou dost preside over the Apostles by the precious chains which thou didst bear.  We venerate them with faith and beseech thee that by thine intercessions we be granted the great mercy.
Kontakion for Usual Sundays:  O undisputed intercessor of Christians, O mediatrix, who is unrejected by the Creator, turn not away from the voice of our petitions though we be sinners; come to us in time, who cry to thee in faith, for thou art good.  Hasten to us with intercessions, O Theotokos, who didst ever intercede for those who honor thee.
Sunday, July 12
 8:50 a.m. –  Orthros
 10:00 a.m. -- Divine Liturgy
 6:00 p.m. –  Young Adults
Monday, July 13
 Office Closed – Father John's Day Off
Tuesday, July 14
 6:00 a.m. – Daily Orthros
 6:30 p.m. – Choir Practice
Wednesday, July 15
 5:00 p.m. – Catechism Class
 6:30 p.m. – Daily Vespers
Thursday, July 16
 NO Daily Orthros
 12 Noon – Ladies Reading Group
 (Father John leaves for Archdiocese Convention - July 16-July 25
Friday, July 17 (Great-martyr Marina)
 NO Daily Orthros
Saturday, July 18
 8:30 a.m. – Workday at the Church 
 6:30 p.m. – Great Vespers
Sunday, July 19 (Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and the Holy Fathers of the Fourth
   Ecumenical Council))
 8:50 a.m. – Orthros
 10:00 a.m. – Divine Liturgy
 5:30 p.m. – Youth Group
Eucharist Bread: ...was offered by the Dansereaus for the Divine Liturgy this morning.
Eucharist Bread and Coffee Hour Schedule:
             Eucharist Bread   Coffee Hour
 July 12     Dansereaus          Algoods
 July 19     Freundts              Hendersons
 July 26     Fahmys               Chamblees
There will be no Great Vespers service on Saturday, July 25th due to the absence of our clergy for Matthew and Sally's wedding in South Carolina.  However, Father John will be returning Saturday night and services will be held as usual on Sunday morning.
Schedule for Epistle Readers  –  Page numbers refer to the Apostolos (book of the Epistles) located on the front pew.  Please be sure to use this book when you read.
                    Reader                Reading                Page #
July 12      Tom Willingham      Rom. 10:1-10             108
July 19      Tom Skirtech          Titus 3:8-15                322
July 26      Walt Wood             Gal. 3:23-29; 4:1-5      160
Please remember the following in your prayers: Amy and Brantley Oliver (they will be moving to Monroe in July); Jack and Ginny Henderson (Fr. John's parents) and their family; Reader Basil's family (Dad, Bill; Mom, Cleo; sister Betty; and uncle and aunt, James and Sarah Powell), Ken Jones' mother (recovering from hip surgery), Aidan Milnor, the Milnor family, Penny and Dean Bruner and their family, Deborah and Paul Finley, Effie Johnson (Kh. Susan Cushman's mother) and the Cushman family (St. John's in Memphis) Jared and Stacy Autrey and their daughter Olivia Kate (St. Ignatius in Franklin).
Please remember Sally Dubose and Matthew Baker in your prayers as they prepare for their wedding on July 25, 2009.
Father John will be traveling to California on July 16th for the Archdiocese Convention.  He will be traveling directly from there to South Carolina for Matthew and Sally's wedding and will be returning home late on the 25th .  There will be no catechism class or daily Orthros services during his absence, but daily vespers services will be held as usual on Wednesday evenings.
Please supervise your children to avoid spills, ink stains or marks from their writing and drawing on our new chairs.  We also ask that you not allow them to stand on the kneelers.  Thank you for your help with this.

Calendar Items:
 * The fast of the Dormition will begin August 1st and continue through the feast on the 15th .  As usual we will be celebrating the Paraklesis service on Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings during this time.  Please make plans to attend as many of these beautiful services as possible.
 * We will celebrating the feast of the Transfiguration of our Lord with Orthros and Divine Liturgy beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday evening, August 5th.
 * The feast of the Dormition falls on Saturday this year.  We will be having Great Vespers on Friday evening, August 14th at 6:30 p.m. and Orthros and Divine Liturgy on Saturday morning, August 15th , beginning at 9:00 a.m.
 * Future dates for Stewpot meals are September 5th and October 31st .

St. Peter shirts....several of you placed an order for one of the shirts with our name on them.  They have arrived and the cost is $30.  If you ordered one of these, please see Fr. John.  We do have a few extras if someone wanted one but was unable to order it.
Fasting Discipline for July:
The traditional fasting (no meat, fish, dairy, wine or oil) is observed on all Wednesdays and Fridays of July.
Major Commemorations During July
 July 17   Great-martyr Marina
 July 20   Prophet Elias
 July 25   Dormition of the Righteous Anna, Mother of the Theotokos
 July 27   Great-martyr and Unmercenary Panteleimon
 July 31   Forefeast of the Procession of the Precious Cross
Those hosting Coffee Hour or feasts MUST be sure to place fresh trash bags in the trash cans when cleaning up afterwards.  If this is not done, items get thrown into the empty trash cans and then dumped as is into the cans outside.  The trash people will NOT pick up loose trash from the cans and have even dumped it out in the past.  This means that Father John has to pick these items up by hand and bag them!  Please help us with this!!
If you are the last to leave the building, please make sure that the heating and cooling unit in the Fellowship Hall is set to the optimum temperature for the building when unoccupied.
If you have overridden the programmed setting, please be sure to restore it to the original setting.  We are trying to keep our utility costs down.  If you do not know how to operate the thermostat, please consult with either Father James or Deacon Richard for instruction.       
Quotable: "With the mental eyes of my heart, I see how I breathe Christ into my heart, how He enters into it and suddenly tranquilizes and rejoices it.  O, do no leave me to dwell alone, without Thyself, the Life-giver, my breath, my joy!  It is hard for me to be left without Thee."
    - St. John of Krondstadt   
Weekly Quote:  "We cannot 'prove' the existence of God, the Resurrection, or any of our beliefs in the way that we can 'prove' a mathematical or scientific assertion. Logically it is possible that there is no god, that all of 'reality' is accidental and meaningless. Sometimes we are especially conscious of this possibility and troubled by it. Sometimes just a particular aspect or doctrine of our faith, such as the Virgin Birth, becomes the subject of doubt. The 'good doubt' consists in not accepting doubt as final, in continuing to cry out to God even in the midst of doubt. The model here is the father of the demon-possessed boy who 'cried out, and said with tears, Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief' (St. Mark 9:24). In spite of his doubt, St. Thomas rejoined the other Apostles. Our faith is not about proofs but about a relationship with God as a person, and a relationship with any person involves faithfulness, patience and trust. From the 'good doubt' a deeper relationship and understanding can emerge. Likewise in the case of a doctrine, a good doubter might say, this doctrine seems wrong or unbelievable to me, but I recognize that over many centuries many Christians wiser than I have believed it, so I will place it in the Lord's hands and ask Him to enlighten me about it.
  A 'bad' doubter, on the other hand, is content. He says, 'I'm a Christian, but I'll decide what I'll believe.' Sometimes this is related to an unwillingness to obey God in some area. When doubts arise, continue to pray and try to obey God, and in time He will reward your faithfulness."
    - Father Paul Yerger

WORSHIP: Sunday, July 19, 2009  (Sixth Sunday after Pentecost and the Holy Fathers of the Fourth Ecumenical Council))
 Scriptures:  Titus 3:8-15; Matthew 5:14-19 (both readings are for the Holy Fathers)
 Celebrant:  Father James
 Homily:  Father James
 Deacon:  Deacon Richard
 Epistle Reader:  Tom Skirtech
 Prosphora:  Freundts
 Coffee Hour:  Hendersons
posted by Daniel Root at 12:46 PM Parish Life

(c) 2005 ~ Saint Peter Antiochian Orthodox Church ~ Madison, MS ~ 601.856.3894