March 29, 2009
Sunday of St. John Climacus
Fourth Sunday of Great Lent
Hebrews 6:13-end: In his letter to the Hebrews, the Apostle reminds us that the promise of God to Abraham was fulfilled when Jesus Christ entered through the veil as a priest according to the order of Melchizedek, and that He is our hope and the anchor of our souls.
Mark 9:16-30: Our Lord casts a demon out of a young boy and in so doing show that faith is essential for actions to bear good fruit. He then gives a prophecy of His coming death and resurrection.
Troparion of the Resurrection: O compassionate One, thou didst descend from the heights; thou didst submit to the three-day burial, that thou might deliver us from passion. Thou art our Life and our Resurrection, O Lord, glory to thee.
Troparion of St. John of the Ladder: The barren wilderness thou didst make fertile with the streams of thy tears; and by thy deep sighing thou hast given fruit through thy struggles a hundred-fold. Accordingly, thou hast become a star for the universe, sparkling with miracles. Therefore, O righteous Father John, intercede with Christ God to save our souls.
Troparion of the Chains of St. Peter: O Holy Apostle, Peter, thou dost preside over the Apostles by the precious chains which thou didst bear. We venerate them with faith and beseech thee that by thine intercessions we be granted the great mercy.
Kontakion of the Sundays of Lent: To thee the champion leader, I thy servant offer thanks for victory, O Theotokos, thou who hast delivered me form terror. As thou hast power invincible, free me from every danger that I may cry unto thee: Rejoice, O bride without bridegroom.
Sunday, March 29 (Sunday of St. John Climacus)
8:50 a.m. – Orthros
9:00 a.m. – Sunday School
10:00 a.m. – Divine Liturgy
6:00 p.m. – Young Adults
Monday, March 30
Office Closed – Father John's Day Off
Tuesday, March 31
6:00 a.m. – Lenten Daily Orthros
Wednesday, April 1
5:00 p.m. – Catechism Class
6:30 p.m. – Small Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete and the
Life of St. Mary of Egypt
Thursday, April 2
6:00 a.m. – Lenten Daily Orthros
Friday, April 3
6:00 a.m. – Lenten Daily Orthros
6:30 p.m. – Small Compline with the Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos
Saturday, April 4
8:00 a.m. – Ladies Prayer Group
6:30 p.m. – Great Vespers
Sunday, April 5 (Fifth Sunday of Great Lent – St. Mary of Egypt)
8:50 a.m. – Orthros
9:00 a.m. – Sunday School
10:00 a.m. – Divine Liturgy
5:30 p.m. – Youth Group
Eucharist Bread: ...was offered today by the Joneses.
Eucharist Bread and Coffee Hour Schedule:
Eucharist Bread Coffee Hour
March 29 Joneses Schelvers
April 5 Milnors Joneses/Stewarts
April 11 (Sat. a.m.) D. Roots
Lazarus Saturday
April 12 Fahmys Freundts/Meadows/Joanna Meadows
April 16 (Thurs. a.m.) Meadows Meadows
(Great and Holy Thursday)
April 18 (Sat. a.m.) Bakers Milnors
(Great and Holy Saturday) (Very Simple)
April 18 (Sat. night) Hendersons Woods/Pigotts/Turners
April 26 Joanna Meadows R. Roots
Schedule for Epistle Readers – Page numbers refer to the Apostolos (book of the Epistles) located on the front pew. Please be sure to use this book when you read.
Reader Reading Page #
March 29 Kh. Be'Be'Schelver Heb. 6:13-20 287
April 5 Tom Willingham Heb. 9:11-14 290
April 11 (Sat. a.m.) Walt Wood Heb. 12:28-13:8 291
April 12 Tom Skirtech Philippians 4:4-9 294
April 16 (Thurs. a.m.) Kh. Sharon Meadows I Cor. 11:23-32 295
April 18 (Sat. a.m.) Sh. Charlotte Algood Rom. 6:3-11 300
April 18 (Sat. night) Warren Strain Acts 1:1-8 25
April 26 Mildred Morris Acts 5:12-20 32
Welcome! Philip Lassiter, who was enrolled as a catechumen on Sunday, March 15th. May God grant him his mercies as he enters this period of preparation.
Congratulations to Ben and Meghan Brock! Dr. Ben will be an intern/resident at the University Medical Center in Jackson, beginning this next academic year!
Please remember the following in your prayers: Reader Basil's family (Dad, Bill; Mom, Cleo; sister Betty; and uncle and aunt, James and Sarah Powell), Karen Cooper (recovering from knee surgery), Aidan Milnor, the Milnor family, Penny and Dean Bruner and their family, Deborah and Paul Finley, Effie Johnson (Kh. Susan Cushman's mother) and the Cushman family (St. John's in Memphis)
March is Ladies' Month in our Archdiocese in appreciation of the many things that are done by the ladies of our parishes. They will be reading the Epistle during the Divine Liturgy during this month. Also, please allow them to take communion first.
Please be sure to schedule a time for confession with your priest at least once during the Great Fast. We should make every effort to not leave this important task until the last minute.
If you are the last to leave the building, please make sure that the heating and cooling unit in the Fellowship Hall is set to the optimum temperature for the building when unoccupied. If you have overridden the programmed setting, please be sure to restore it to the original setting. We are trying to keep our utility costs down. If you do not know how to operate the thermostat, please consult with either Father James or Deacon Richard for instruction.
Calendar Items:
* The schedule of daily evening services during the remainder of Lent are as follows:
Wednesday, April 1st – Small Compline with the Canon of St. Andrew of
Crete and the Life of St. Mary of Egypt – 6:30 p.m.
Friday, April 3rd – Small Compline with the Akathist Hymn – 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, April 8th – Presanctified Liturgy followed by Soup Supper and
brief teaching by Father John – 6:30 p.m.
Friday, April 10th – Small Compline with Canon of St. Lazarus – 6:30 p.m.
* The next meeting for the PLC 2009 Planning Committee will Thursday, April 2nd at 7:00 p.m.
* On April 12th we will have a catfish fry following the Divine Liturgy. Catfish Haven will be providing the food again this year. The cost will be $8 for adults and $5 for children. A sign-up sheet is in the Fellowship Hall.
* Pascha falls on April 19th this year. Please refer to the April Calendar for the schedule of services for Holy Week.
* St. Peter's will be hosting the Parish Life Conference next year. The dates for the conference will be June 10-14. This will a wonderful opportunity to showcase our parish. More information will be available in the future.
Registration for the Parish Life Conference has begun!! Be sure to register to attend the conference. Registration forms are available on the table in the hallway and online at our website (thanks to Daniel Root!!). On the website you can also find the schedule of events for the conference. If you cannot afford to attend all the meals and events, be sure to register for as many as you can, especially the Grand Banquet on Saturday evening. Come, also, for the services. The Very Rev. Fr. Michael Dahulich, Dean of St. Tikhon's Seminary will be the speaker this year. You will also hear many wonderful homilies by the visiting priests. The Bible Bowl is lots of fun (as anyone who has ever seen one will tell you) and the Oratorical Contest is a chance to hear the thoughts of some of our young people on spiritual issues. This conference will be attended by those from our sister parishes throughout the diocese and is an opportunity to showcase our parish. So make plans now to attend.
Those hosting Coffee Hour or feasts MUST be sure to place fresh trash bags in the trash cans when cleaning up afterwards. If this is not done, items get thrown into the empty trash cans and then dumped as is into the cans outside. The trash people will NOT pick up loose trash from the cans and have even dumped it out in the past. This means that Father John has to pick these items up by hand and bag them! Please help us with this!!
Directory Updates have been mailed to each household. Please correct these if needed (or place a check mark on the form if the information is already correct) and mail or bring them to the church office as soon as possible. We hope to be able to have updated directories available in a few weeks, but this will only be possible if everyone does their part. Thank you for your assistance in this task.
Help needed for PLC 2009 Souvenir Journal!! The PLC committee is starting to sell ads for the souvenir journal for the Parish Life Conference and we need your help! Our goal is to sell $20,000 of ads by May 1. Please consider talking to your employer about donating for a corporate ad, and if you have any suggestions of businesses to go to or people to talk to, please let Anna Kathryn know.
Fasting Discipline for March/April:
March 1st is Forgiveness Sunday (Sunday of Cheese Fare), the last day until Pascha that cheese, dairy and wine (some also include oil) are permitted. Monday, March 2nd, is Clean Monday, the first day of Great Lent when the traditional fasting discipline is observed on all days of the week until Pascha (except Annunciation on March 25th and Palm Sunday on April 12th, when fish, wine and oil are permitted). Bright Week (April 20-24) is a fast-free period.
On days when the Holy Eucharist will be received at the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, no food or drink should be taken until after the Liturgy.
Major Commemorations During March/April
March 29 Sunday of St. John Climacus (Fourth Sunday of Great Lent)
April 5 Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt (Fifth Sunday of Great Lent)
April 11 Lazarus Saturday
April 12 Palm Sunday
April 13 Great and Holy Monday
April 14 Great and Holy Tuesday
April 15 Great and Holy Wednesday
April 16 Great and Holy Thursday
April 17 Great and Holy Friday (Good Friday)
April 18 Great and Holy Saturday
April 19 PASCHA
April 23 Great-martyr George
April 24 Apostle and Evangelist Mark
April 26 Thomas Sunday
Please supervise your children to avoid spills, ink stains or marks from their writing and drawing on our new chairs. We also ask that you not allow them to stand on the kneelers. Thank you for your help with this.
Quotable: "Have no fear then. Now that the common Saviour of all has died on our behalf, we who believe in Christ no longer die, as men died aforetime, in fulfilment of the threat of the law. That condemnation has come to an end; and now that, by the grace of the resurrection, corruption has been banished and one away, we are loosed from our mortal bodies in God's good time for each, so that we may obtain thereby a better resurrection."
- St. Athanasius, On the Incarnation
WORSHIP: Sunday, April 5, 2009 (Sunday of St Mary of Egypt– Fifth Sunday of Great Lent)
Scripture: Hebrews 9:11-14; Mark 10:32-45
Celebrant: Father John
Homily: Father John
Deacon: Deacon Terry
Epistle Reader Tom Willingham
Acolytes: TBA
Prosphora: Milnors
Coffee Hour: Joneses/Stewarts
Teen Hosts: TBA